Rowena Richie

Rowena Richie.
Rowena Richie is a dancer, performance-maker, writer and teacher based in San Francisco. She has been a frequent collaborator of Erika Chong Shuch’s since 2001, including performing as Falcon in Iron Shoes with Kitka Vocal Ensemble and as Bride Love in Lily’s Revenge, Love Act by Taylor Mac at the Magic Theatre. For the past 20 years Rowena has been creating programs for movement and self-expression for older people including people living with dementia. Rowena is a Senior Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health at the Global Brain Health Institute at UCSF, and a 2020 Gen2Gen Innovation Fellow. She is a collaborator on a number of creative aging projects. Wisdom Weavers (2022), her latest video collaboration promoting the benefits of creativity across lifecourse, premiered at Creative Brain Week at Trinity College Dublin and is currently being exhibited at the Cultural Center of the Instituto Terra e Memória de Macao in Portugal. Rowena has been a contributing writer and guest editor for In Dance, and presented numerous personal essays in the Litquake Festival.