Mikkei Fritz

Mikkei Fritz
Balthazar and Ensemble in Romeo and Juliet
Cheerleader and Ensemble in The Very Merry Wives of Windsor, Iowa

Other theatres: The Colored Museum, Young Fashion in Restoration Comedy (Little Theatre); Lenny in Clownzilla: Illegal Aliens (Roman Amphiteater, Arezzo, Italy); Philario in Cymbeline, Matt Murphy in Blue Light, Charlie in Abstract Expression (Robert Cohen Theater); Antigonus/Florizel in The Winter's Tale (Grotowski Barn Theater); Eddie in Fool for Love, Ketch/Iceman in Moon on a Rainbow Shawl, Godfrey Crump in Crumbs from the Table of Joy, Dave Pearl in Oldtimer's Game (University of South Florida).

Film/TV: The Conan Show; Unspeakable; Baggage.

Education: MFA in acting, University of California, Irvine; BA in performance, University of South Florida.
